Modifying Pre-Configured Registration Settings
How to modify the user registration settings that are pre-configured in the web.config file using the Configuration Manager.
- Navigate to >
Configuration Manager.
- Select the Files tab.
- At Configuration File, select the file to be modified from the drop down list. This loads the selected file into the File text box. Note: The warning message that displays each time a new config file is selected is shown regardless of whether there any unsaved changes.
- In the File text box, find and then edit one or more of these registration settings:
- enablePasswordRetrieval="true": Enter True to enable password retrieval or False to disable. The default setting is true.
- enablePasswordReset="true" : Enter True to enable users to reset their passwords or False to disable. The default setting is true.
- requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true": Enter True to require users to create a question and answer during registration or False to disable. Important. If set to true, Administrators will be prevented from adding new users and editing user accounts on the site. The default setting is true.
- minRequiredPasswordLength="7": Edit the number (integer) to change the minimum password length. The default is 7.
- minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" : Edit the number (integer) to change the minimum number of non-alphabetical numbers that must be included in the password. The default setting is 0.
- requiresUniqueEmail="false": Edit True if a unique email address is required for each user account or False if the same email address can be used on multiple accounts. The default setting is false.
- passwordFormat="Encrypted": Edit the storage format for the password: Hashed (SHA1), Clear or Encrypted (Triple-DES). The default setting is Encrypted.
- Click the Save Changes button.
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